I have worked in the Software Consulting business since the early 90's and work hard including travel away from home. When we decided to move from our land locked sailing lake near Dallas, TX, the company I work for was very generous and allowed me to move closer to the Texas coast where I could sail on larger water.
(update) - We have now lived on Galveston Bay for 18 months or so and are getting closer and closer to moving aboard the boat within the year.
Debbie Lhotka
Deb is an animal lover both personally and professionally. When we were first married Deb worked at EDS, but soon worked for a Vet, Horse Breeding Farm, Volunteered for a Dog Rescue group, Volunteered at a local Spay Neuter Clinic, was an Animal Control Officer, Kennel Manager and the Director of a Private Animal shelter. We have been together since the late 80's and still enjoy each others company every day. Deb has been the "Project Manager" to ensure we keep on progressing toward our dream and does a great job of balancing out the conservative appraoch I tend to take to decisions.

The Scottish Fold cat that we rescued in 2011 is still trying to get used to being on a boat. He is named after the Manufacturer of the engine in our Gulfstar