I mentioned a breeze booster above. I have not seen one of this style but I will be getting some for our boat for sure. The goal of these is to capture or scoop more air than you would get from just an open hatch. I have seen these that look like a big upside down V and connect to a halyard and attach inside the hatch like this one that Amazon sells.
This one however was free standing. It had a v that was stiffened by something like sail battens and two angled legs that go to the hinged side of the hatch. They sit on the deck and the a string and a stick goes down through the hatch and it makes the upside down V look like a big huge scoop. Here is a link to them at West Marine for anyone interested. They would more than triple the amount of air flow coming into a hatch. When at anchor your bow always points to the wind so these take advantage of a knot or two of breeze and still work wonders to cool you down. We were in the tropics and most nights I would turn off the fan and sleep comfortably in 85 degrees which shocked me given we keep our thermostat at the dock down at 72.

We dropped our mooring ball and motored out of the anchorage at The Bight and just went around the point to "The Caves" which is on the northwest side of Norman Island.

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The bay on the left is "The Bight", boats are ached in front of the Caves |
Norman islands is said to be the inspiration for the book "treasure Island" based on the following history of pirate booty being stored there. In 1750 a Spanish treasure galleon named Nuestra Seniora de Guadalupe was caught in a storm off the coast of North Carolina. During that storm while waiting out the storm the crew mutined and the treasure was split up and taken on two different bilanders (smaller European two masted ships). There was said to have been 55 chests of silver coins on the galleon that was taken by the crews. One of the ships perished but the other was manned by Owen Lloyd who escaped with the ship to St. Croix. After disposing of so e of the money, story has it that he went to Norman Island and buried the treasure. Lloyd and his crew were eventually arrested bit word of the treasure spread to Tortola where people came in search of it. Interestingly enough part of the treasure was recovered by Gilbert Flemming who was the Luitenant General for the Leeward islands and convinvpced the Luitenant Governor of the BVI to issue a law where the treasure would be returned and the people that dug it up would retain one third of it. There are additional interesting stories of a local fisherman taking refuge In The cave from a storm and having found gold doubloons. There is no official record of this treasure being found but his family all moved off of Tortola at that same time and opened businesses in St. thomas. Read more online with a search for Norman island and treasure.
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You can see the caves along the shoreline |
We hopped off the stern of the boat with fins, snorkels and masks and swam along the shoreline toward the cave entrance. This was really a cool place because near shore it was 5-10 feet deep and then about 30 yards from shore there was a pretty good 10-20 foot drop off. We snorkeled along the wall and saw great collections of coral and fish. At the
bottom of this blog post will be a link to a video of the snorkeling. Some of the photos contained in this blog post came from those videos.
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You can get a sense of the drop off |
At first it was really interesting we swam through a hole bunch of little jelly fish. Theese were not stinging kinds but the little quarter to half dollar sized translucent circular shaped ones. It took me a few minutes to figure out what it was.
We saw schools of dark tangs with light tails. They swam in groups of fifty or so and were just a few feet below us. We saw amazing trigger fish, and what looked like either a clown
trigger or some type of spotted grouper. We saw a lot of these silver fish with yellow tails.
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T and Oday Snorkeling |
Then as everyone was diving down a bit along the wall to get a closer look at the urchins in all the rock crevices we saw hundreds of zebra damsels swimming all around us.
The Urchins had some of the longest splines I have ever seen. We saw quite a bit of coral as well but I did not see any anenomies.
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Hundreds of Zebra Damsels in schools |
We were on a national park mooring which you are only supposed to be on for 90 minutes so got under way and headed a
short distance to the north to an area called the pelican and Indians. For the record I do t know where these islands and Rock Archipalegos get their names, I can only assume that someone thought they looked like a pelican or an Indian. The wind had picked up quite a bit and we actually struggled for the first time to pick up our mooring. Wind and waves fought us and made snagging the pendant ( which didn't have a float) difficult. Third time is a charm and we were moored.
At this location (The Indians), it was a bit
like The Baths in that you had to dinghy to a dinghy mooring. And jump off to snorkel. Here the snorkeling may have been a little better than the caves and the water a bit clearer. While snorkeling there was a lot of fish and coral spotted as well as a decent sized barracuda swimming g just off in the deeper water. There was a school of blue tangs and several parrot fish. There was fan coral and leather coral all around.
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I attempted to capture just how many there were above |
At this location (The Indians), it was a bit
The Indians (just Rocks and a reef) |
See the bottom of the Blog post for my photos from Snorkeling at the Indians.
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Black and Blue Tang |
Once everyone was on board, salt water rinsed from great and people, we raised the main while still on our mooring and prepared for a sail to Jost. All of us on this trip have boats that range for 23 to 43 feet, all mono hulls and used to lifting sail. That said, the sail on the catamaran is so big and fully battened with heavy duty sail car tracks for each batten, this sail is not easy to raise. On my boat I get the sail about a foot from the top of the mast and use the winch to
raise it the last foot and tighten. On the Cat, any one of us would get it about 80% of the way up and then have to use the winch to raise it the rest of the way. The main halyard has a 2 to 1 purchase to make this easier but it means you are pulling twice the height of the mast in line. So after a bit of panting and catching my breath the sail was raised.
raise it the last foot and tighten. On the Cat, any one of us would get it about 80% of the way up and then have to use the winch to raise it the rest of the way. The main halyard has a 2 to 1 purchase to make this easier but it means you are pulling twice the height of the mast in line. So after a bit of panting and catching my breath the sail was raised.
Below is a video put together from the snorkeling at The Caves and The Indians. Just click the video below, however if you are reading this blog post from an email subscription or other means, you will have to click on this link to see the video (Snorkeling Video Link)
We dropped the mooring and then headed northwest toward Tortola and unrolled the jib.
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Saint John just behind us on the Port Side |
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Robert and I setting up our Mooring Bridal |
We found a mooring out a ways from land to take advantage of the wind given the height of the island. Upon anchoring we jumped in for a nice swim, we cleaned up and headed to shore for some ice and some provisions we needed. We found out we were missing mustard and steaks from our provisioning list. We tied up to the government dock right in the center of Great Harbor.m when you get off the dock there is a great sign welcoming you to Jost. The police station and immigration Is the first building up the dock. Mary, Deb and I went to the store, O'Barr and Oday made a trip to the ferry dock to drop off our trash and went on a hunt for ice.
One of the things you have to really think about on a boat is how much trash you create. We did find that in some of the anchorages, a boat would come by and offer to take your trash for a fee. We typically took ours to shore ourselves and most places it is free. We did find one place on shore that charged $2.50 per bag. We all met back up after getting what we all needed and headed to the boat. The market had just about everything we wanted and needed. Plantains, bananas, steaks (they were not delivered with our provision list and they substituted something else, but we wanted steaks), Propane for the grill and chips. Obarr and Oday had picked up the ice and met us at the dock closer to the market to save us the walk around the cove.
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The Dinghy Dock at Foxy's |
You just can't go to the Jost Van Dyke and not go to Foxy's.
He is an icon in this part of the world and his beach front bar/restaurant is famous in all sailing and boating and vacation magazines. There is part of the place that has a wooden floor, but no walls. The largest section of the restaurant has a roof but no floor. Sit on benches like a picnic table, feet in the sand and just relax to the sounds of music (maybe a live band but not the night we were there). You can go into the gift shop and purchase items if you want.
The food is pretty good (not great but again, you have to go there and get Conch Fritters for sure). But, What Foxy is famous for is his PainKillers. It is a sweet drink made with Cream of Coconut, Rum Pineapple juice, Orange Juice and some fresh ground nutmeg. (No wonder my blood sugar was high). They will, as their name implies have you feel no pain.
We were lucky, Foxy himself was there and was doing what Foxy does, walking around talking to guest. I don't recall this from last time I was there a few years ago, but this time he was drinking straight rum from a glass and it hadn't been his first nip when we got there.
He was telling jokes and making small talk. He is a nice guy but one thing struck me kind of sad actually. Some of the jokes he was telling were a bit racial and it dawned on me that his perception is that white folks want to hear that. Maybe I read too much into it or had one too many PainKillers already, but I hope he realizes that most people that come to visit him see him as a fellow human and not a color.
I had the camera going on the table to try to record some of the stories he was telling but they were just too quiet to hear them. He was really nice though and posed for a picture with all of us. OBarr and I went in search of the things that we have left tacked or tucked into the ceiling as a memento. I can't remember where the heck I had put my business card when I was there on a company trip and Obarr couldn't find the flag he thought he had left there. (Then again, there is likely 1000's of items that people put on the ceiling every year.)
Here is a little tip, if you go there (or anywhere in the islands) and are having dinner at dusk, the NoSeeUm's will get you pretty good so bring some skin so soft or off. If you ask, quite a few places will have some they will let you use or some will put those small coils you burn in the sand beneath your table. For those that don't know, NoSeeUm's are just that, you don't see them and they bite like hell. They seem to stay close to the ground and only bite for about an hour or so as the sun goes down. From the lower shin down needs to be sprayed. If there is any wind at all, they are not usually a problem but along the ground under a table, they were active.
We did the touristy thing and went to Foxy's but you MUST, MUST, MUST go to Corsairs. Corsairs is just down the road from foxy's past the government building. The owners is an Expat named Vinny who sailed to the islands and never left. The food at Corsairs is rated the best on the island and next time I will absolutely be going there instead of a meal. Everyone was raving about it and after our trip, I even saw a write up in a magazine about how good the cooking was.
Deb, T, Oday and I went to Corsairs because we had read somewhere that they served absinthe (The little green fairy) and thought it would be interesting to try. So we bellied up to the bar and told Vinny what we wanted. He asked "Shot or some other way". Hmm, I had heard that Absinthe, should be dripped slowly over a sugar cube on the back of a spoon into a cup with distilled water in it, So we asked him what the difference is. His answer was classic, "Either way is going to f&%k you up, so not sure why it matters". From that moment, I liked Vinny. He did ask if we liked the taste of licorice, two of our party did not so his response was "Do a shot, it won't be in your mouth long enough for the taste to linger"
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First round of Absinthe |
T and Oday at Corsairs |
Vinny and the Girls. That thing around his neck is actually a monocle. I don't think I have ever seen that before. It was very piratey |
Deb on Swing, T as the Pusher |
Below is a short recap video of the days activities form our YouTube Channel. Click the video below, however if you are reading this blog post from an email subscription or other means, you will have to click on this link to see the video (Norman Island, Snorkeling, Jost Van Dyke, Foxy's and Corsairs)
More Photos from Snorkeling at the Indians.
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Schools of fish were everywhere. These were Surgical Tangs with Black bodies and a blue tail. |
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ODay contemplating swimming into an underwater cave |
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T doing some free diving to about 15 feet or so |
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OBarr found an rock bridge and was thinking about swimming under to the other side. The opening was pretty tight so cooler heads prevailed |
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Robert was constantly diving down to 15 or so feet deep. He is quite the frog-man |
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I think this may be a parrot fish, but not 100% sure |